Gabriel Fernandes
Asp.Net Developer
Tech Stack

A ticketing system that organizes and tracks a project's team, the tasks they complete, the time spent completing them, and compiles metrics into a clear-cut dashboard format.
A command line tool that takes a few arguments and inserts programmatically written code files right into your project. Given model data imported from project planning in PMT, this tool writes repositories, their interfaces, their unit tests, and hooks everything up with dipendency injection.
StyleDash is a JQuery/Scss library used to quickly style/validate your frontend with features that streamline accessibility, dynamic tables, and more!
Unit testing with test driven development increases the reliability of the code base. Xunit, the traditional Arrange/Act/Assert format, and method naming conventions are the practices I currently follow.
Vanilla js is used here for client-side email validation in English. While this lighten's the server's work, server-side validation is still needed behind this for security.
StyleDash is a front end library I wrote to quickly meet UI requirements like a dropdown menu with a custom response option.
jQuery's easy DOM tree traversal made it a great choice for building this custom file structure menu.
Using Powershell and CLI wrap, I made a tool that creates code files and automatically writes boilerplate code to speed up development.
With the help of the ORM, Entity framework, the repository design pattern is used to separate the data access layer and handle communication with the db context.
This library's use of websockets connects the server/client sides so users can see real time updates without a new http request.
Cookie authentication stores the security context for registered users. Templated emails confirm and recover accounts.